farm house

Concept design for a guesthouse at Inle Lake, in the countryside of Burma.

About an hour away from the Inle Lake, an NGO commissioned us to design a guesthouse for mixed use on their mango farm. The house has two double bedrooms and a large downstairs communal area that extends to an enveloping outside patio. It will be utilised dually by workers of the farm and rental home for travellers.

The house is designed with local building traditions in mind. The structure itself is raised from the ground in line with local customs for protection from the monsoon floods, it is constructed with locally sourced structural brick and roofed with palm leaf that extends over the patio to provide shade to the outdoor patio. A symmetric row of windows provides cross ventilation and seamlessly includes the patio as a part of the floor plan.

Due to the current political situation in the country, the project has been put on hold at multiple occasions. It is currently under construction.

All 3D visualizations done in-house by
Hansen Knutsen Architecture